Auction: Sat 24-Feb-2024
Auction Result: Sold Prior
59 Fairfax Street, The Ponds NSW 2769
59 Fairfax Street, The Ponds NSW 2769
59 Fairfax Street, The Ponds NSW 2769
59 Fairfax Street, The Ponds NSW 2769
59 Fairfax Street, The Ponds NSW 2769
59 Fairfax Street, The Ponds NSW 2769
59 Fairfax Street, The Ponds NSW 2769
59 Fairfax Street, The Ponds NSW 2769

Distance To CBD: 34.36 km

Land Size: 400 m2

Agency: Ray White Quakers Hill - Tesolin Group

Property history for 59 Fairfax Street, The Ponds NSW 2769

All Sold Rent
This property has no listed sales or rental history.
This property has no listed sales history.
This property has no listed rental history.