Auction: Fri 13-Nov-2015
Auction Result: Private Sale
12 Wooran Street, Cooma NSW 2630
12 Wooran Street, Cooma NSW 2630
12 Wooran Street, Cooma NSW 2630
12 Wooran Street, Cooma NSW 2630
12 Wooran Street, Cooma NSW 2630
12 Wooran Street, Cooma NSW 2630
12 Wooran Street, Cooma NSW 2630

Distance To CBD: 321.91 km

Agency: Boller and Company - COOMA

Property history for 12 Wooran Street, Cooma NSW 2630

All Sold Rent
This property has no listed sales or rental history.
This property has no listed sales history.
This property has no listed rental history.