2024 July
Address Price Result*
26A Flemington St N/A SP 3
2024 March
Address Price Result*
23 Avenue Rd N/A S 3
Some properties are not in the list because of insufficient data
*Result Key:
S - property sold;
SP - property sold prior;
SA - sold after auction;
SB - sold before auction;
SN - sold not disclosed;
SS - sold after auction price not disclosed.
PN - sold prior not disclosed;
Private - private sale
PI - property passed in;
NB - no bid;
VB - vendor bid;
W - withdrawn prior to auction;
N/A - price or highest bid not available.

House Auction Results In Frewville 5063 - Last 12 months ends 27 Jul 2024

House Median Price Clearance Rate Sold/Reported
$1,518,500 75% 3/4
Sold Price Range No. of Sold Properties
$1.4 M - $1.6 M
(Median Price Range)