
For many years, Heather has been employed as a nurse and has also made some money (around $11,000 in 2017/18) from selling personal goods on ebay and other trading websites. The goods that he sold were either hers or belonged to other family members.

Heather often works as a waitress in a local restaurant on weekends. She is paid $30 an hour, but earns more than that in tips from customers.

Heather has also written and published a book that gives suggestions on selling personal goods over the internet and Heather sold each book for $15. Heather is paid five cents for each time the book is borrowed from libraries in Australia and receives $876 in total for 2017/18. The book was a great success and a large publishing company paid Heather $40,000 in June 2018 to purchase the copyright in the book.

Explain how Heather is likely to be taxed on her employment income, the sales of personal goods, income from her restaurant work, sales of her book, amounts received when the book is borrowed and the $40,000 received from the publishing company.




