HSC Y11 - Y12选什么科目?

Year 11要选12个Units。

在考虑 数学 Ex1/ y12学Ex2,化学,Business Studies,SOR1,然后在 Morden History和Chinese in context;English Advance 和ESL之间纠结。

只要是选中文的话,我觉得我应该能比较容易拿到 B6,但是我有 Saturday Sport,想去试试学校的Captain,而且y11没有体育课,我怕我会死在作业堆里。不过时间撞了。而且如果HSC考中文,Y11好像一定要学中文。

然后我有补英语,我的补习老师说我应该试试 English Advance不行就ESL,因为这俩科目Scale差不多都比较高。




选择什么科目主要看你擅长什么。但Chinese in context 和 ESL 从某种程度是有一点排斥的,除非你前几年上学是用非英语和非中文学习的(两个科目的eligibility在下面),但主要还是问你学校。

至于Chinese in context 和modern history...现在Chinese in context 的scaling上升了,max atar也有99.95(以前只有99.25...)选什么主要看你中文和英语哪个好和热爱什么(history 的essay特别多)

至于2U英语和esl... advanced 的scaling好一些 但esl拿的分数会高很多而且比较简单,所以atar会拉的比较高(毕竟esl要照顾很多refugee 和aboriginal people)所以这个可能会推荐esl多一点吧。Advance跟esl并不是上下级的关系,两个的syllabus是完全不一样的。如果先选advance在降去esl,这不止你心里会有落差,而且人际关系也需要重新弄好。

Eligibility of ESL:The English EAL/D course may be studied by any student who has been educated overseas or in an Australian educational institution with English as the language of instruction for five years or less prior to commencing the Year 11 course.

Eligibility of Chinese Context:Students typically have been brought up in a home where the language is used, and they have a connection to that culture. These students have some degree of understanding and knowledge of the language. They have received all or most of their formal education in schools where English (or another language different from the language of the course) is the medium of instruction. Students may have undertaken some study of the language in a community, primary and/or secondary school in Australia. Students may have had formal education in a school where the language is the medium of instruction up to the age of 10.
