

  国内中游 985 ,本科专业 Electrial Engineering ,电力系统、电力电子方向,专业在 SOL 名单上。

  年龄 22 ( 25 分)+雅思 4 个 7 ( 10 分)+本科学位( 15 分),现在看来是 50 分,为了补足剩下的 10 分,在不去上学的情况下有以下几种可能:

1 、 NAATI-5 分

2 、配偶-5 分

3 、州领地担保-5 分

4 、偏远地区担保-10 分

  关于 1 , NAATI 如果以雅思 7 的底子,经过适当训练,能否以旅游签的方式飞到澳洲考试?关于 2
,如果提出和女友领证,应该会答应,但是她的工科专业并不在 SOL 上,是不是就没有意义了?强行往 SOL 专业上靠有可能性吗?关于 3 、 4
,集中华儿女智慧之大成的中介有没有什么解决的办法?国内 985 的本科学位是否是澳洲学历分所承认的?

  如果可以申请到永居,那么可以立即以本土学生的学费+福利来读悉尼大学或者新南威尔士大学吗(墨尔本大学的 Electrial
Engineering 看课程计划实际上是 Electronic Engineering )?我看网上说拿到 PR
两年后才开始能够享受相关福利,那学费属于必须等够两年才能享受到的福利吗?在明年本科毕业和硕士入学之间, gap 一年以内可以接受。







先说结论吧:可行,拿到了PR,读书就按domestic student算,有CSP,但没有助学贷款HELP。
发觉似乎要说明几个概念先,懒癌晚期,摘来别人总结的好了:原作者 powermao. 原帖链接:讨论一下,上学所要的 CSP、HECS-HELP、FEE-HELP 到底什么关系上班一族


基本上,所有的学校都会有这3个概念,undergraduate和postgraduate都会有,只有一个要说明的,申请课程的时候,如果想要 CSP ,一定要看这个课程是否支持 CSP ,并不是全支持的。
比如看这个专业,很大的字写着支持:Course Finder, Monash University
Commonwealth Supported Places
Applicants who meet one or more of the following criteria are encouraged to apply:
·Holders of a current Pensioner Concession Card or Health Care Card
·Indigenous Australians
·People with a disability or long-term medical condition
·Women applying for programs in non-traditional areas (Engineering and Applied Science)
·People retraining or upgrading qualifications after a retrenchment or a period of unemployment or precarious employment (such as part-·time, on-call, casual, temporary, self-employed and contract jobs or in an industry undergoing restructure)
·People retraining or upgrading qualifications after a period of child rearing or family responsibilities
·People with a low socioeconomic status, as defined by the Centrelink Low Income Test
·Recent migrants on a low income, as defined by the Centrelink Low Income Test

Centrelink Low Income Test 在哪里?
Australian Government Department of Human Services ... iat.htm#income_bank

(此处说明下,Commonwealth supported places CSP官网目前2015年是不存在最低收入条款的,具体去centrelink/student center问清楚就可以了)

Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP)
A CSP is jointly funded by the Commonwealth Government and student. The amount to be paid by the student is defined by discipline 'bands'. In 2008, the following student contribution rates for a standard, annual, full-time load apply:
National Priority: $0 – $4,077—Education and Nursing.
Band 1: $0 – $5,095—Humanities, Behavioural Sciences, Social Studies, Foreign Languages, Visual and Performing Arts.
Band 2: $0 – $7,260—Mathematics, Statistics, Computing, Built Environment, Health, Engineering, Science, Surveying, and Agriculture.
Band 3: $0 – $8,499—Accounting, Administration, Economics, Commerce, Law, Dentistry, Medicine, and Veterinary Science.

Students who undertake more or less than a full-time study load, or who study courses from a combination of the above categories will be charged the proportionate student contribution.
明白了吧,比如学会计,一年只要up to $8499就可以了,不用交2万多的学费了~~

From 1 January 2005 the Higher Education Support Act 2003 came into effect to replace the Higher Education Funding Act 1988. As a consequence Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) have replaced the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS). A summary of the change in terminology is as follows:
Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) replaces HECS Places,
Student Contribution Amount (SCA) replaces HECS fees,
Contribution Bands replaces HECS Contribution Bands,
HECS-HELP replaces deferred HECS, and
Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) replaces the HECS Liability Notice.
Main differences between CSP and HECS
The main differences between CSP and HECS are:
Universities may set their own Student Contribution Amount (SCA) within ranges set by the government (only applicable to those who have not been assessed as a "pre-2005" student).
The upfront discount for payments to the University (over $500) has decreased from 25% to 20% (applicable to all students).
The discount for a voluntary repayment to the Australian Taxation Office (over $500) has decreased from 15% to 10% (applicable to all students).
Permanent Resident Visa Holders cannot choose their payment option and must pay upfront without the discount (only applicable to those who have not been assessed as a "pre-2005" student).
The full-time annual contribution for each band is available at the Fees Unit web site.
Part-time students will pay a pro-rata amount based on their study load (ie. EFTSL) and the contribution band/s of their units.
The SCA is calculated each semester on the census date. If you remain enrolled in a unit after the census date, you will incur an SCA liability regardless of whether or not you attended that unit. To avoid this liability, you must complete an 'Enrolment Amendment' form and discontinue the unit by the census date.

看上面,不一样的,HECS-HELP 和 CSP 联合取代了原来的 HECS。所以,CSP 和 HECS-HELP是放在一起,就是说,申请的条件基本一样。
那么CSP和 HECS-HELP最大,我们最关心的区别在哪里?
HECS-HELP 一定要澳洲公民或难民才可以申请
HECS-HELP is a loan available to eligible students enrolled in Commonwealth supported places. A HECS-HELP loan will cover all or part of the student contribution amount.
If you receive a HECS-HELP loan, the Australian Government pays the loan amount directly to your higher education provider (provider) on your behalf. A HECS-HELP debt is recorded for you with the Tax Office against your Tax File Number.
HECS-HELP 通过什么形式呢?
There are two types of HECS-HELP assistance available to eligible Commonwealth supported students. If you are eligible, you may access both the HECS-HELP loan and the discount to pay your student contribution.
The following table describes the types of HECS-HELP assistance.
1.HECS-HELP loan
A loan for your student contribution, where:
·the Australian Government pays part or all of your student contribution to your provider on your behalf
·a HECS-HELP debt is recorded for you with the Tax Office
·you start repaying your HELP debt when your repayment income is above the minimum threshold for compulsory repayment.

2.HECS-HELP discount
A discount on your student contribution payment amount where:
·you pay all, or at least $500, of your student contribution amount up-front
·receive a 20% discount on the amount paid up-front.


前2个说完了,第三个 FEE-HELP 是什么?
FEE-HELP is a loan given to eligible fee-paying students to help pay part or all of their tuition fees.
From 1 January 2005 FEE-HELP replaced the previous schemes PELS and BOTPLS.
FEE-HELP 什么人可以申请呢?
Australian citizens or holders of an Australian permanent Humanitarian visa. Holders of other permanent visas which are not classified as Humanitarian may only access FEE-HELP if:
·they qualify under the transitional arrangements for pre-2005 PELS or
·they are undertaking a bridging course for overseas trained professionals.

FEE-HELP limit
You can borrow up to the amount of the tuition fee being charged by your provider for your unit of study. However, over your lifetime you can borrow only up to the FEE-HELP limit. In 2007, the FEE-HELP limit is $80,000, and $100,000 for students studying dentistry, medicine or veterinary science. This amount is indexed each year.
A loan fee of 20% applies to FEE-HELP loans for undergraduate courses of study. The FEE-HELP limit does not include the loan fee. No loan fee applies to FEE-HELP loans for postgraduate courses, bridging courses for overseas-trained professionals, enabling courses or units of study undertaken directly with Open Universities Australia (formerly OLA).
The Australian Government pays the amount of the loan directly to the student’s provider.
Students repay their loan through the tax system once their income is above the minimum threshold for compulsory repayment.

HELP debts
If you obtain a HELP loan from the Australian Government to pay for your studies, then a HELP debt is recorded for you with the Tax Office. You will repay your HELP debt by making:
·compulsory repayments through the tax system when your HELP repayment income is above the minimum repayment threshold; and / or
·voluntary repayments directly to the Tax Office.

Compulsory repayments are made when you lodge your tax return and your HELP repayment income is above the minimum threshold, $39,824 in 2007-08.
The compulsory repayment amount depends on your HELP repayment income for each income year.
Example: A person with a HELP repayment income of $40,000 in 2007-08 will make a repayment equivalent to 4% of their income, or $1600.

HELP repayment income is:
·your taxable income for an income year, plus
·any amount your taxable income had been reduced by a net rental loss, plus
·your total reportable fringe benefits amounts shown on your pay as you go (PAYG) payment summary, plus
·any exempt foreign employment income.

The following table gives the repayment rates for the 2007-08 income year.
Below $39,825 = Nil
$39,825-$44,360 = 4.0%
$44,361-$48,896 = 4.5%
$48,897-$51,466 = 5.0%
$51,467-$55,322 = 5.5%
$55,323-$59,915 = 6.0%
$59,916-$63,068 = 6.5%
$63,069-$69,405 = 7.0%
$69,406-$73,959 = 7.5%
$73,960 and above = 8.0%
goingtouni.gov.au/Mai ... lsory-Voluntary.htm
首先介绍下,澳洲技术移民通用的是EOI打分体系,详见:澳大利亚技术移民需要哪些条件? - 逗逼少女小希希的回答


关于naati考试的:澳洲naati能不能在国内考?怎么报名? - Spitfire 的回答


关于打工度假462过渡性质转,可参见:澳洲打工度假过度到拿PR的机会大吗? - Spitfire 的回答

最后回到福利上,失业金/租房补助/能源补贴之类是必须PR2年后才可以领,而且条件很多。学费则和医保一样,属于你elodge PR了,就可以开始享受





2018年2月开始,政府不再对PR提供commonwealth supported place。此外,电子工程师EOI已经基本65分或以上。

需要和“凑60分”同时做的事情是通过Engineers Australia电子/电气工程师的职业认证。本科电气、电子或自动化专业,根据EA要求写3篇2000字的CDR,描述之前做过的3个项目即可。 有60分和电子/电气工程师认证,可以直接申请PR。


如果不考虑贷款及奖学金方面的差异,单从学费定价的角度出发,domestic和international其实相差并不多:$37,376 pa vs $30,400 pa。(以墨尔本大学EE 2016为例)

年轻时最好的投资是什么? - 女神进化论 - 澳微帮专栏

不如直接来澳洲读书。第一学期争取考下NAATI,此时有55分。如果有机会申请NSW州担保,则递交PR申请。由于EOI需要排队,休学1学期可以保证后3个学期的学费享受PR的优惠。(不是很清楚电气工程师 NSW州担保的具体条件。有朋友今年6月会计州担保成功,EE应该会更简单些吧。相比之下,墨尔本所在的维州州担保比较难,电气工程师的条件是雅思4个7+2年工作经验。基本上够这个条件,也足够60分了。)


如果有心学术,coursework master期间多努力,平均分80+以及PR一般可以申请到全奖PhD。(墨尔本大学EE,其它学校EE情况可能差不多。)性价比更高。

此外,题主本科专业是电力系统、电力电子方向。如果不想换方向,不建议来墨尔本大学。墨尔本大学EE Master,没有强电必修课,只有3门强电选修课。其它的必修课也并不全是弱电,涉及控制、电子、信号处理、通信、嵌入式5个方面。如果尚未决定以后的发展方向,读墨尔本EE是不错的选择。
