



在墨尔本找工这个事要是掰细了说 再加上道听途说,风言风语三天也说不完。 我就捡重要的说, 要是有啥遗漏的, 我再尽量回答。 没有在国内应聘过, 所以对国内的情况不了解

  • 个人经历

    登陆墨尔本半年,终于拿到第一份正式工作的offer。 Senior JAVA developer。 仅以这半年的点滴经验, 也算回报坛子里广大新老朋友的热心帮助和支持。

    5月登陆, 7月去tafe上课, 9月开始实习, 10月实习结束,和该公司签casual 零工合同继续, 11月底拿到另一家公司的正式工作offer。

    tafe的课的全名是Certificate IV in EAL (Employment/Professional) 。
    在悉尼好像是叫skillmax。 在墨尔本之前好像叫OQP(oversea qualified
    professional)course。这个课强烈推荐, 它的帮助是多方面的, 从英文上, 心态上, 人际关系上, 文化融入上都会有帮助。

    Certificate IV in EAL (Employment/Professional) VE257

  • 影响求职的因素

    • 本地工作经验

      这个应该是人人皆知的潜规则吧。 虽然明面上不好讲, 涉及到discrimination之类的。 但是还是有它的一定道理。 有本地经验的候选人,
      大致英语不会太差, culture和communication的问题也不大, 如果技术上能过关的话, 中介雇主都放心省事。 但是作为新移民,
      明显是没有本地经验的, 就要从两个方面处理这个问题。 首先在简历上, cover letter上, 面试中
      都有明里暗里的为雇主打消这个顾虑。 IT工作的比较好说, 就是强调技术啊 管理啊 process啊全世界都一样, shall be no
      problem. tafe上课时老师给建筑业的伊朗哥们的建议就是通读澳洲建筑业的code
      尽可能多的和已有的伊朗经历联系起来。 另一方面就是尽快拿到可以说出口的本地经验。 tafe的课程最后有6个星期的placement实习。
      个人感觉, 我正式offer面试是的面试考官对这一部分很感兴趣, 应该加分不少。 volunteer, 和本职工作相关的, 哪怕牵强相关也可以。
      到时面试时还不是看你怎么用词了。 至于labor工, 如果是非法的cash工就不要提了。 如果是正式的, 也是可以说的,
      可以在communication, culture 方面加分, 也反映出你个人的积极向上的心态, 和对家庭的responsibility。

    • communication & culture

      这一条的权重是比技术大的。 everything else being equal, 非要做选择的话,
      雇主是会倾向于选沟通好的。 好在对于新移民来说这条也不难。 英语和culture就是个花时间的技术, 和天赋关系不大。
      你看两三场footy你大概就懂规则了。 你每天24小时里 有10小时是英语的, communication
      问题也就解决了。 主要是你能不能下这个决心。 tafe有个同学为了练听力, 有空就给买保险的打电话。 phone communication
      也是找工作的一个重要环节。 如果你还是抱着非诚勿扰, 吃饭也是和华人扎堆, 听华语歌 华语电台, 看华语电影,
      甚至搭讪都是搭华语妹子。 还要抱怨没法提高英语, 那我也只能呵呵了

    • 技术

      这个大概是最简单的了, 只是注意根据市场需求更新一下自己技术列表。 同时注意一下各种专业用语的英文表达。

    • 圈子(networking)

      这个是被忽视的一项, job opportunity 在hidden market 和明面上的比例大概是 5:1.
      更多是通过内部推荐,或者在收到的简历中找个合适的。 扩展圈子也是tafe里的一课, 以下是部分上课笔记。

      Way to meet suitable people.

      Church, Children related activities and Club.

      Meetup activity, Forum,


      Linkedin - To complete 100% Profile to brand yourself better. And
      join career related groups and participate actively to grow network

      Industry organization and institute meeting and activities

      Volunteer job in career related domain

      What would be stopping you moving forward? -- Jill Noble

      一个很简单的关于你的networking小测试, 如果你在找工作, 你周围的人, 你的邻居, 知道你在找工作吗, 知道你擅长什么, 要找什么样的工作吗?

  • 实际找工流程及注意事项

    失败只有一种就是半途而废 -- 老罗

    • 有份没有语法, 重点突出, 格式正确的resume 和 cover letter。 这个tafe的课程会帮忙搞定。 如果有需求模板的同学可以私信我邮箱, 我可以把我的发一份。
    • 然后把时间分成三份。 一份用来投简历,
      SEEK - Australia's no. 1 jobs, employment, career and recruitment site
      World's Largest Professional Network
      Job Search | one search. all jobs. Indeed

      但是要区分是agency post position 还是雇主post position 。 如果是雇主的 要精心准备cover
      letter 和resume, 按照Job description 的每一条都要包含并突出。 agency的话就可以随意点海投。
    • 第二份时间, 巩固个人技术。 这个见仁见智。 因为个人技术不是答主强项, 所以为了过技术面试, 还是恶补了一番。
    • 第三份, networking: volunteer,cold call, conference, meetup, pub (如果你知道你的行业的人最喜欢去哪个酒吧的话)
    • 面试, 只是所有环节的重中之重。 tafe的课程的帮助很大, 先是讲注意事项, 技巧, 题型, 然后提供两次和业界专业HR的模拟interview,
      还会录像。 再根据每个人的表现, 做单独的提点。 对我的提醒有两句话: “Don't forget JD”, “Slow
      Down”。 就是说面试时每一句话 每个回答都要和JD(job description) 对应, 当然前提是你要把JD背熟。。
      还有就是我的英语语速太快, 这个应该是我的个人缺点。 不过也可以理解,

    • referee: 在面试前后, 有可能要求提供1-3个referee。 到时和你的referee提前沟通好。大概这个职位的需求是什么,面试时的感觉如何, 需要referee帮你highlight什么地方。 不要让referee措手不及的接电话。

最后附上自己准备的 经过老师批改的面试时可能会遇到的questions and answers

Q1: tell me about yourself

(Match with Job AD requirement)

I completed my Bachelor degree of Computing in the National University
of ---. And I have -- years working experience in the IT industry,
mainly focusing on JAVA online system development, delivery and

In my career to date, I have been involved in several Full Software
Development Life Cycles (SDLC) in both government and commercial

I have strong technical skills. I started my work as JAVA developer and
was promoted to Senior Developer -- ago. As a senior developer, Besides
the development task, I was also involved in guiding junior developer,
assisting project managers to handle projects.

In my spare time, I like to play badminton and go jogging. And also I
like to read and watch movies, not those romantics but more like the
sci-fi styles. I migrated to Melbourne 3 months ago, and I would like
to continue my IT career here. I am very looking forward to learning
more about the position and thanks for the invitation for this

Q2: Where do you see yourself in 5 years future?

I think in 5 years, I would like to be well established with your
company. I would like to be very familiar with company processes,
structure, set up good relations with colleagues and develop my career
within the company.

Q3: What are your weakness?

Since I started my career as developer, I tended to focus too much on
the technical details and solutions when I faced a problem. However, in
the some situation, the best solution or the most suitable solution may
not be a technical solution. and It might be better to solve some
problems by communication with users or discussion with team members. I
became aware of this weakness, especially when I was promoted to senior
developer and started to handle stakeholders and requirements. So
Nowadays when the problem surfaced, instead of focusing only on the
technical aspects, I explore more about the problem. i.e what is the
root cause of the problem, what does the user really want? what are the
other impacts or risks to make the change. Instead of getting things
done quickly, I learned to do the right thing and to do the things

Q4: Are you applying for any other positions:

Yes, I have applied for some other jobs. But I am interested in this one
the most. I found the requirements matched my skill set, my background
and experience. and I really glad to have this interview opportunity. I
would love to have the opportunity to contribute the growth of your

Q5: Why would you migrate to Melbourne ?

I love the people, the culture and the life style here. In Melbourne, I
can also enjoy outdoor activities, like hiking which is not that easy to
access in Singapore. and since the common practice and process in IT
industry in both Singapore and Australia, I hope to be able to apply my
work expertise into Australia easily. So I decided to migrate to
Melbourne to setup my family here and meanwhile I hope I can continue my
IT career here.

Q6: What is the biggest achievement ?

The biggest achievement in my career, I think, was an-- project for
online application submission and process. The system was to allow the
global users to submit investment-applications online. and for
government agency side, the cases submitted would flow according to
business process.

The major challenge of the project was the tight schedule and shortage
of resources, as one of main team members had to leave the project and
go back to India due to some family emergencies. The manager decided to
invoke a vendor to help out with the resource issue. So besides my
development task, as senior developer, I needed to manage and monitor
vendor progress, and communicate with users for clarification of
requirements. Meanwhile, I also needed to provide technical support for
junior developers from offshore.

To monitor the project progress closely, we occupied a meeting room as a
war room, and had an everyday agile stand up meeting. It was a busy
and stressful 3 months. but the result was good. I , together with my
teammates, managed to deliver the project on time. And the customers
were happy with the result, and awarded my company the 2nd phase of
project. In recognition of the effort and success, my team was awarded
of Quality Of Difference prize in the annual company D&D meeting

Q7: Tell me about your skills as a team player.

I am a reliable person in a team. I ensure all my task and assignment
are done correctly and consistently. So my team members can trust my
work and are willing to work with me. Also I am good at empathizing
with and sensing others' feelings. And I am a good listener. Teammates
are happy to approach me to discuss the difficulties and problems. And
if I sense any teammates having any problems, I also will initiate the
discussion to see whether I can help out. So many teammates and I
became good friends after work. and we are still in contact even after I
came to Melbourne.

Q8: What makes you think you are the right person for the job? (similar with strengths)

I have--years working experience in IT online system development,
delivery and maintenance. In my previous positions, I was involved in
several -- projects and used several tools and frameworks similar to
the KITS system. (Briefly mention, if already talked about it
previously In one of my previous project for Singapore Post Department,
we needed to build an online mail system to replace the physical snail
mail system in Singapore. It required extremely user-friendly and
interactive functions and UI in the web presentation layer. The
front-end was implemented with Web tools and technologies including
HTML5, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, jQuery. JSON format message was used to
communicate between the presentation layer and business layer with REST
protocol. ). Also I have an easy going inter personality. And I have
good communication skills and negotiation skills for project management
and stakeholder management. All in all, I think I am a good fit for
this position and I am very interested in this position. I hope my
previous government project experience would utilize my expertise and
contribute to the KITS project.

Q9: Tell us about a time when you had to deal with a difficult colleague?

When I worked in a -- project, part of my job scope was to manage the
project delivery in phases. I needed to prepare the package and
instruction of deployment, and pass them to the Operation team who were
doing the deployment actually.

One day, just a day before the deployment, one of the operation team
member called up and complained that the instruction had a mistake, and
she refused to perform the deployment.

My first instinct was to respond angrily on the phone, but I knew it was
not the best response to settle the conflict, so I tried to calm her
down, and promised to check on the procedure again and let her know
ASAP. After the call, I checked the instructions again, it was not a
mistake but a special step which was different from the previous usual
deployment. I called her and explained it, and we agreed that for any
special deployment steps, I would put up special note beside the steps.
Also I invited her to have a lunch session sometime. During the lunch, I
found out that, she had another project deployment on the day, which
caused her a lot of stress. She apologized for her bad mood on the

This built up a good rapport between us, and we cooperated very well in all the following project deliveries.

Q10: Give me a example of a time that you showed initiative and took the lead.

When I was in my previous job in -- , we had some problems to prepare
production deployment package when there were some concurrent changes on
the same piece of code. So I initiated and pushed through a process
improvement for existing code control practice. The improvement was to
add a multi-branch feature to the current process. I set up a trial
process as a POC (Proof of concept), then I prepared and distributed the
checkout and commit guidelines to all the developers and vendors. And I
also hosted a meeting with all parties to explain the detailed changes
for this improvement. After the improvement process has been adapted,
the feedback was very positive as it provided better control of
concurrent development of the same piece of code, as well as simplified
production release management.

Q11: Tell me about a time when you felt you were unable to meet your responsibilities.

I remember a time when I worked in a project for the Singapore Economic
Development Board. I joined the team in the middle of the project,
because one of the team member left the company for some
reason. However, the project used a new technology (Adobe Livecycle
tools) which was quite different from that I had worked with. I tried
to study the technology in my spare time, but I found that the learning
curve was a bit stiff, and it could have delayed the project. So I
approached my manager with this situation, together with 2 possible
solutions. One was to send me to the training course to acquire the
necessary skills, or to hire a vendor for this part of work, and I could
learn from the vendor during the project. After the discussion, the
management fully understood the situation and was happy that I had
raised this potential issue that might have delayed the project. In the
end, a vendor with required skills was hired and the project completed
according the schedule. Meanwhile I learned the skill from vendor and
the skills were applied in the 2nd phase of the following projects.

Q12: Describe a time when you had to negotiate a compromise or had to help others arrives at a compromise.

There was a time when I was in my previous job at -- , and there was a
user requirement to develop a new search function with a wild card
keyword. I was involved in the design and development for this charge.
However, I found that due to huge size of data, the wild card search
would have impacted the system performance, and causing the slowness in
other functions. So I arranged a meeting with the users and explained
the impact of this changes. I also proposed 2 possible solutions to
compromise this issue. One was to change the wild card search to a
concise search, or we need some more search criteria to constrict the
search range. The user fully understood the situation, and they also
didn't want a change that would slow down the system performance. So
they agree to compromise to the first approach, which was to use concise
searching. In the end, the change deployed the system without
impacting the system. The user was happy to use the search function as
it improved their work efficiency as well.





印象中每年3,4月是各大公司graduate program的招聘季。有志向去大公司的童鞋们要抓紧这段时间网申。我那时候正好是3月下的PR,然后就很嗨皮地回国玩了5个星期,再回来就到了5月,然后就悲催地发现很多公司的graduate program网申都结束了……投了CBA,但是online test 感觉好难,没过,哭…WWS好不容易挣扎到第四轮,group assessment被刷,哭!!感觉graduate program无望,我就转战到了seek。

Seek应该算是澳洲招聘广告最全更新最勤的招聘网站吧。我也去看过career one,但是感觉没有seek好,所以后来我基本就专注于刷seek。

找工作首先要准备一份不错的简历和Cover Letter。但是简历和Cover Letter里的一些细节要根据申请的不同公司和职位每次做一定的调整。



建立和完善你的LinkedIn。即使你还是学生或是刚出校门找工作的新人,也可以在LinkedIn上给自己建立一个professional profile。我个人觉得能在LinkedIn上搜到的信息完善的求职者要比没有注册的求职者给人更严谨和专业的感觉。LinkedIn对于求职者是另一张神秘地图,这是我工作以后慢慢体会到的,特别是当有猎头在LinkedIn上approach你向你推荐工作时。我也有朋友通过LinkedIn成功跳槽。

最后说一下offer的选择,大公司还是小公司。我那时候去面试过一个美国的跨国广告公司,一面financial controller,然后reference check,然后二面CFO。一路下来其实都还是挺好的,不过最后financial controller很遗憾地发邮件给我说最后二选一选了另外一个更有经验的人。有点遗憾,但是没办法只好继续找,然后就找到了现在我工作的公司,一家local的环境咨询公司。也是2面,决定做得很快,当场给了offer。我想:呀,终于有人要我了,于是也毫不犹豫地接受了。结果很戏剧化的是在我结束training不久又接到了那家美国公司的电话,说因为某些原因那个最后录取的人没办法工作,问我对这个职位还有没有兴趣。






在indeed上看到的公开招聘,链接到公司官网去投了简历,不久后接到hr的phone interview。

Phone interview后hr跟我确认了面试时间就发面试邀请邮件,邮件很正式,时间地点面试预计时长面试官姓名职位应聘职位及面试主要形式(technical and behavioral questions或formal competency based interview)都一一以表格形式注明,并附件一份详细说明应聘职位的工作内容和公司结构。让应聘者能充分了解自己要去什么公司做什么准备什么。
面试在一个3-4人间小会议室,hr和sales operation manager一人一边左右护法开始集中火力“攻击”我。。。通过对前几次面试经验的总结,以及一个半小时之前在某能源咨询公司的面试预热,一面开始得很顺利:自我背景介绍罗里吧嗦说了一通,解释为什么离职为什么来澳洲,来澳洲之后有什么感受,是否喜欢悉尼,是否打算长期居住在悉尼…面试官主要是想了解你的稳定性,个人感觉大公司不希望花时间培养的员工工作时间太短,比较看重员工忠诚度;然后再根据你自己做的背景介绍问一些相关问题,如你研究生课程都有哪些,你之前的实习公司在哪里等等。接下来正式进入behavioral question环节:
… … …
回答完问题之后,hr开始介绍公司和招聘职位,然后是sales operation manager再补充一些详细情况,然后是“你有什么问题要问”环节,通常我会问一些和职业发展相关的问题,比如:
(个人感觉面试进行得不太好,因为有一个问题我回答不上来:关于前公司同事是否有不道德行为的问题,我一时大脑空白,顿了几秒后直接回答no,没遇到过这种情况…)出来后就觉得这次面试就算是砸了...因为sales operation manager最后送我下楼时表情并不太高兴…面试这么多次,成功的不多,但也是有通过一面的,个人还是能感觉出来有戏没戏的。
既然如此,距离二面还有5天时间,那就好好准备吧。hr邮件上照常告知了所有面试细节,主要是告诉我下一轮是formal competency based interview,然后我就按照这个思路去准备了。
首先把面试中可能遇到的问题尽可能多列出来,然后把可以用一个回答应对的问题归类,准备10-15个examples,整理好思路,然后下载公司近两年的annual report,仔细研读,尽可能多了解公司的过去现在和未来战略计划,记住主要的数据,如年销售额,净利润,公司全球排名,畅销产品的销售额等。熟知公司在哪些方面有重要成就,公司都有哪几个产品部门,每个部门负责的产品成绩如何...尽可能多掌握公司和整个行业的现状。
二面是见Head of Commercial Excellence和一面见过的sales operation manager。提前20mins到前台登记,等了大概10mins就进会议室开始面试了。二面省略了一堆背景和自我介绍,第一个问题就是“距离上一次面试也有一段时间了,你对我们公司有了什么进一步的了解吗?”我重点准备的内容马上派上用场,按照之前的研究,我开始慢慢叙述,从公司在全球业内的排名,年销售额,畅销产品(block buster),竞争对手,公司战略计划,对社会的贡献 (CSR)以及行业前景进行了一一阐述。然后就是照例再问一些competency based questions,如:
之后就是Head of commercial开始介绍公司和这个职位的信息,到这步我已经觉得这份工作很有戏了,只要再push一把基本就没问题了,于是在接下来的“你还有什么问题”环节,我问了一些与我面试职位比较相关的问题:
-我知道公司有多个医疗领域,每一个领域都有相应部门,比如心血管,呼吸,消化和癌症,假如你们offer我这份工作,我的主要工作内容是支持哪一个部门?(sales operation manager立刻说这是个很好的问题,我想大概是因为这个问题不仅显示了我对公司结构的了解,还说明我对工作流程进行了思考)
-你们对我的各项资格还有什么需要考量的吗?(Do you still have any hesitation about my qualification?这个问题是我准备了的,在各个面试tips网站上搜集了十几个问题后筛选出来的我觉得很适合我的一个问题,首先表明我很喜欢这份工作很想加入你们,然后问题直接展示了我的自信,我认为自己的各项资格都很符合这个职位要求,希望你们也不要犹豫了)


