12 Florentor Court, Condon QLD 4815

12 Florentor Court, Condon QLD 4815

5 3 3


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User Estimates

Medium Confidence
3 Jul 2018

Property history for 12 Florentor Court, Condon QLD 4815

All Sold Rent
This property has no listed sales or rental history.
This property has no listed sales history.
This property has no listed rental history.

About this property

12 Florentor Court, Condon QLD 4815

Bedrooms 5
Bathrooms 3
Car Spaces 3
Land Size n/a
Building Area n/a
Property Type house
Council Area Unavailable
Year Built 1991
Lot/Plan n/a
Suburb Name Condon
Postcode 4815
State QLD

Schools closest to 12 Florentor Court, Condon QLD 4815

School name Address Type Sector Distance
Shalom Christian College HERVEYS RANGE ROADCondon 4815 Combined Independent 0.7 km
Ryan Catholic College 59 CANTERBURY ROADKirwan 4817 Combined Catholic 1.49 km
Thuringowa State High School VICKERS ROAD SOUTHCondon 4815 Secondary Government 2.14 km
The Willows State School BILBERRY STREETKirwan 4817 Primary Government 2.57 km

Suburb Information

Condon, QLD 4815
Part of Townsville

1109.33 km
Distance from CBD
17 k
Median House Price
Median Unit Price

Market Trends For Condon

3 bedroom houses in Condon