136 Tenth Avenue, Inglewood WA 6052
136 Tenth Avenue, Inglewood WA 6052
136 Tenth Avenue, Inglewood WA 6052

136 Tenth Avenue, Inglewood WA 6052

2 1 0



High Confidence

User Estimates

High Confidence
3 Feb 2018

Property history for 136 Tenth Avenue, Inglewood WA 6052

All Sold Rent
This property has no listed sales or rental history.
This property has no listed sales history.
This property has no listed rental history.

About this property

136 Tenth Avenue, Inglewood WA 6052

Bedrooms 2
Bathrooms 1
Car Spaces 0
Land Size 689 m2
Building Area n/a
Property Type house
Council Area Stirling
Year Built 1932
Lot/Plan 451/P002877
Suburb Name Inglewood
Postcode 6052
State WA

Schools closest to 136 Tenth Avenue, Inglewood WA 6052

School name Address Type Sector Distance
Inglewood Primary School NORMANBY ROADInglewood 6052 Primary Government 0.27 km
St Peter's Primary SchoolTop 100 103 WOOD STREETInglewood 6052 Primary Catholic 0.7 km
Mount Lawley Senior High SchoolTop 50 WOODSOME STREETMount Lawley 6050 Secondary Government 1.42 km
Perth CollegeTop 20 31 LAWLEY CRESCENTMount Lawley 6050 Combined Independent 1.63 km
Chisholm Catholic CollegeTop 50 1104 BEAUFORT STREETBedford 6052 Combined Catholic 1.75 km
Australian Islamic College (Dianella) 81 CLEVELAND STREETDianella 6059 Combined Independent 1.95 km
Hillcrest Primary School BAY VIEW STREETBayswater 6053 Primary Government 2.03 km
Mount Lawley Primary School WOODSOME STREETMount Lawley 6050 Primary Government 2.02 km
St Paul's Primary SchoolTop 100 LEAROYD STREETMount Lawley 6050 Primary Catholic 2.02 km
John Forrest Secondary College DRAKE STREETMorley 6062 Secondary Government 2.24 km

Suburb Information

Inglewood, WA 6052
Part of Stirling

Market Trends For Inglewood

2 bedroom houses in Inglewood