305 Victoria Road, Gruyere VIC 3770

305 Victoria Road, Gruyere VIC 3770

4 2 2


There is no enough data to calculate the estimated value for this property

Property history for 305 Victoria Road, Gruyere VIC 3770

All Sold Rent
This property has no listed sales or rental history.
This property has no listed sales history.
This property has no listed rental history.

About this property

305 Victoria Road, Gruyere VIC 3770

Bedrooms 4
Bathrooms 2
Car Spaces 2
Land Size 1255649 m2
Building Area n/a
Property Type house
Council Area Yarra Ranges
Year Built 1975
Lot/Plan n/a
Suburb Name Gruyere
Postcode 3770
State VIC

Comparable Rent properties in Gruyere

Looking at similar homes in Gruyere, VIC 3770 can help you better understand this unit's potential value.

Schools closest to 305 Victoria Road, Gruyere VIC 3770

School name Address Type Sector Distance
Seville Primary School 639 WARBURTON HIGHWAYSeville 3139 Primary Government 1.24 km

Neighbouring properties to 305 Victoria Road, Gruyere VIC 3770

Explore other properties on Gruyere, VIC 3770.

Suburb Information

Gruyere, VIC 3770
Part of Yarra Ranges

42.69 km
Distance from CBD
4 k
Median House Price
Median Unit Price

Market Trends For Gruyere

4 bedroom houses in Gruyere