60 Meadowvale Drive, Grovedale VIC 3216
60 Meadowvale Drive, Grovedale VIC 3216
60 Meadowvale Drive, Grovedale VIC 3216

60 Meadowvale Drive, Grovedale VIC 3216

0 0 0



Medium Confidence

Property history for 60 Meadowvale Drive, Grovedale VIC 3216

All Sold Rent

Jun 1995

  • Sold
This property has no listed rental history.

About this property

60 Meadowvale Drive, Grovedale VIC 3216

Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 0
Car Spaces 0
Land Size 1583 m2
Building Area n/a
Property Type property
Council Area Greater Geelong
Year Built n/a
Lot/Plan 25/LP218005
Suburb Name Grovedale
Postcode 3216
State VIC

Schools closest to 60 Meadowvale Drive, Grovedale VIC 3216

School name Address Type Sector Distance
Mandama Primary School 10 CORANG AVENUEGrovedale 3216 Primary Government 1.19 km
Nazareth Primary School GRIFFITH STGrovedale 3216 Primary Catholic 1.18 km
Grovedale College 19 WINGARRA DRIVEGrovedale 3216 Secondary Government 1.29 km
Grovedale West Primary School 85A HEYERS ROADGrovedale 3216 Primary Government 1.3 km
Christian College Highton 18 BURDEKIN ROADHighton 3216 Combined Independent 1.99 km
Clairvaux Catholic School 45 REYNOLDS ROADBelmont 3216 Primary Catholic 2.24 km

Suburb Information

Grovedale, VIC 3216
Part of Greater Geelong

Market Trends For Grovedale

3 bedroom units in Grovedale