7015A The Boulevard, Benowa QLD 4217
7015A The Boulevard, Benowa QLD 4217
7015A The Boulevard, Benowa QLD 4217

7015A The Boulevard, Benowa QLD 4217

3 2 2


There is no enough data to calculate the estimated value for this property

Property history for 7015A The Boulevard, Benowa QLD 4217

All Sold Rent
This property has no listed sales or rental history.
This property has no listed sales history.
This property has no listed rental history.

About this property

7015A The Boulevard, Benowa QLD 4217

Bedrooms 3
Bathrooms 2
Car Spaces 2
Land Size n/a
Building Area 242 m2
Property Type unit
Council Area n/a
Year Built 2006
Lot/Plan n/a
Suburb Name Benowa
Postcode 4217
State QLD

Schools closest to 7015A The Boulevard, Benowa QLD 4217

School name Address Type Sector Distance
Ashmore State School CURRUMBURRA ROADAshmore 4214 Primary Government 1.36 km
Trinity Lutheran CollegeTop 50 641 ASHMORE RDAshmore 4214 Combined Independent 1.61 km
Aquinas College EDMUND RICE DRIVEAshmore 4214 Secondary Catholic 2.5 km

Suburb Information

Benowa, QLD 4217
Part of Gold Coast

Market Trends For Benowa

3 bedroom units in Benowa