81 Hilder Street, Weston ACT 2611

81 Hilder Street, Weston ACT 2611

3 2 2



Medium Confidence

User Estimates

High Confidence
3 Mar 2018

Property history for 81 Hilder Street, Weston ACT 2611

All Sold Rent
This property has no listed sales or rental history.
This property has no listed sales history.
This property has no listed rental history.

About this property

81 Hilder Street, Weston ACT 2611

Bedrooms 3
Bathrooms 2
Car Spaces 2
Land Size 873 m2
Building Area n/a
Property Type house
Council Area Weston Creek
Year Built 1990
Lot/Plan n/a
Suburb Name Weston
Postcode 2611
State ACT

Comparable Rent properties in Weston

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Schools closest to 81 Hilder Street, Weston ACT 2611

School name Address Type Sector Distance
Islamic School of Canberra 33 HEYSEN STREETWeston 2611 Primary Independent 0.72 km
Orana Steiner SchoolTop 10 UNWIN PLACEWeston 2611 Combined Independent 0.97 km
St Jude's Primary School MULLEY STREETHolder 2611 Primary Catholic 1.05 km
Canberra Montessori School 35 MULLEY STREETHolder 2611 Primary Independent 1.08 km
St John Vianney's Primary School NAMATJIRA DRVWaramanga 2611 Primary Catholic 1.75 km
Curtin Primary SchoolTop 10 THEODORE STREETCurtin 2605 Primary Government 1.74 km
Arawang Primary School NEMARANG CRESCENTWaramanga 2611 Primary Government 2.1 km
Holy Trinity Primary School THEODORE STREETCurtin 2605 Primary Catholic 1.97 km

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