2/45 Maesbury Street, Kensington SA 5068
2/45 Maesbury Street, Kensington SA 5068
2/45 Maesbury Street, Kensington SA 5068

2/45 Maesbury Street, Kensington SA 5068

2 1 1


There is no enough data to calculate the estimated value for this property

Property history for 2/45 Maesbury Street, Kensington SA 5068

All Sold Rent
This property has no listed sales or rental history.
This property has no listed sales history.
This property has no listed rental history.

About this property

2/45 Maesbury Street, Kensington SA 5068

Bedrooms 2
Bathrooms 1
Car Spaces 1
Land Size 1027 m2
Building Area n/a
Property Type unit
Council Area Unavailable
Year Built 2004
Lot/Plan n/a
Suburb Name Kensington
Postcode 5068
State SA

Schools closest to 2/45 Maesbury Street, Kensington SA 5068

School name Address Type Sector Distance
Marryatville Primary SchoolTop 20 DANKEL AVENUEKensington 5068 Primary Government 0.2 km
Pembroke Senior SchoolTop 10 Kensington Park 5068 Combined Independent 0.38 km
Mary MacKillop CollegeTop 100 10 HIGH STREETKensington 5068 Secondary Independent 0.4 km
Marryatville High SchoolTop 20 KENSINGTON ROADMarryatville 5068 Secondary Government 0.57 km
St Ignatius' College CampusTop 10 Norwood 5067 Combined Catholic 0.62 km
Loreto CollegeTop 50 316 PORTRUSH RDMarryatville 5068 Combined Catholic 0.78 km
Norwood Primary SchoolTop 10 OSMOND TERRACENorwood 5067 Primary Government 1.5 km
Trinity Gardens Primary SchoolTop 100 PORTRUSH ROADTrinity Gardens 5068 Primary Government 1.76 km
Burnside Primary SchoolTop 50 HIGH STREETBurnside 5066 Primary Government 1.93 km
Rose Park Primary SchoolTop 10 ALEXANDRA AVENUERose Park 5067 Primary Government 1.85 km

Suburb Information

Kensington, SA 5068
Part of Norwood Payneham St Peters

Market Trends For Kensington

2 bedroom units in Kensington