5/13 Deptford Street, Elizabeth Grove SA 5112
5/13 Deptford Street, Elizabeth Grove SA 5112
5/13 Deptford Street, Elizabeth Grove SA 5112

5/13 Deptford Street, Elizabeth Grove SA 5112

0 0 0


There is no enough data to calculate the estimated value for this property

Property history for 5/13 Deptford Street, Elizabeth Grove SA 5112

All Sold Rent
This property has no listed sales or rental history.
This property has no listed sales history.
This property has no listed rental history.

About this property

5/13 Deptford Street, Elizabeth Grove SA 5112

Bedrooms 0
Bathrooms 0
Car Spaces 0
Land Size n/a
Building Area n/a
Property Type unit
Council Area n/a
Year Built 2016
Lot/Plan n/a
Suburb Name Elizabeth Grove
Postcode 5112
State SA

Comparable Sold properties in Elizabeth Grove

Looking at similar homes in Elizabeth Grove, SA 5112 can help you better understand this unit's potential value.

Comparable Rent properties in Elizabeth Grove

Looking at similar homes in Elizabeth Grove, SA 5112 can help you better understand this unit's potential value.

Schools closest to 5/13 Deptford Street, Elizabeth Grove SA 5112

School name Address Type Sector Distance
Elizabeth Grove Primary School HAYNES STREETElizabeth Grove 5112 Primary Government 0.35 km
St Mary Magdalene's School 82 FAIRFIELD ROADElizabeth Grove 5112 Primary Catholic 0.65 km
Elizabeth East Primary School DOLPHIN STREETElizabeth East 5112 Primary Government 1.09 km
Elizabeth Vale Primary School ROLLISON ROADElizabeth Vale 5112 Combined Government 1.36 km
Elizabeth South Primary School CHIVELL STREETElizabeth South 5112 Primary Government 1.16 km
Kaurna Plains School RIDLEY ROADElizabeth 5112 Combined Government 1.28 km
Fremont-Elizabeth City High School PHILIP HIGHWAYElizabeth 5112 Secondary Government 1.36 km
Blakes Crossing Christian College Blakeview 5114 Primary Independent 1.44 km
Burc College Elizabeth East CampusTop 100 Elizabeth East 5112 Primary Independent 2.12 km
St Thomas More's Parish School 50 YORKTOWN ROADElizabeth Park 5113 Primary Catholic 2.27 km

Suburb Information

Elizabeth Grove, SA 5112
Part of Playford

Market Trends For Elizabeth Grove

3 bedroom units in Elizabeth Grove