9/4 Mulberry Court, Magill SA 5072

9/4 Mulberry Court, Magill SA 5072

3 1 0


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Property history for 9/4 Mulberry Court, Magill SA 5072

All Sold Rent
This property has no listed sales or rental history.
This property has no listed sales history.
This property has no listed rental history.

About this property

9/4 Mulberry Court, Magill SA 5072

Bedrooms 3
Bathrooms 1
Car Spaces 0
Land Size 232 m2
Building Area n/a
Property Type unit
Council Area n/a
Year Built n/a
Lot/Plan n/a
Suburb Name Magill
Postcode 5072
State SA

Schools closest to 9/4 Mulberry Court, Magill SA 5072

School name Address Type Sector Distance
Rostrevor CollegeTop 100 GLEN STUART ROADWoodforde 5072 Combined Catholic 0.76 km
Magill SchoolTop 50 ADELAIDE STREETMagill 5072 Primary Government 0.85 km
Middle Campus - Norwood MorialtaTop 50 Rostrevor 5073 Secondary Government 0.95 km
Stradbroke School KOONGA AVENUERostrevor 5073 Primary Government 1.5 km
St Joseph's School 1 BIRKINSHAW AVENUETranmere 5073 Primary Catholic 1.67 km
East Torrens Primary School ROBSON ROADHectorville 5073 Primary Government 2.44 km

Neighbouring properties to 9/4 Mulberry Court, Magill SA 5072

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Suburb Information

Magill, SA 5072
Part of Campbelltown

7.17 km
Distance from CBD
12 k
Median House Price
Median Unit Price

Market Trends For Magill

3 bedroom units in Magill