所属的职业评估机构是NOOSR/AITSL,详情参见该职业评估机构Early Childhood的网址:Assessment for Migration
All applicants, regardless of where they completed their training, will be assessed against three criteria: Educational, Professional, and English language proficiency. Applications must meet all three assessment criteria to obtain a successful outcome.
1. Educational
Study assessed by AITSL as comparable to at least four years full-time (or part-time equivalent) higher education (university) level study in Australia, that results in a qualification/s.
2. Professional
An initial teacher education qualification relevant to the early childhood (pre-primary school) teacher occupation of at least one year full-time study (or part time equivalent) at the higher education (university) level. The qualification must include a minimum of 45 days of supervised teaching practice with students across the ages of 3 - 8 years in education programs prior to and in the early years of primary school.
The professional qualification/s must be assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian bachelor degree or higher.
3. English language
English language proficiency demonstrated by one of the following:
(i) An Academic version of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Test Report Form (TRF) that shows a score of at least 7.0 for both Reading and Writing; and a score of at least 8.0 for both Speaking and Listening.
The IELTS test scores must appear on a single IELTS TRF and be the result of a test undertaken during the 12 month period prior to submitting an application.
(ii) An applicant has completed at least four full years of study in higher education (university) in Australia, Canada, the Republic of Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States of America. This study must have resulted in award of qualification(s) comparable to the educational level of an Australian bachelor degree or higher and must include a recognised initial teacher education qualification.
Important advice for applicants about English language proficiency requirement
If you submit evidence for (ii) (4yrs study) and also submit an IELTS TRF AITSL will consider the IELTS results. If the IELTS TRF does not meet the requirements of (i) (IELTS) the application will be assessed as not meeting the English language proficiency criterion, resulting in an unsuccessful outcome. Any subsequent application from the same applicant will require submission of an Academic IELTS TRF to meet the English language proficiency criterion.
AITSL reserves the right to ask an applicant to undertake the Academic version of the IELTS examination if there is uncertainty about their level of English language proficiency. Applicants must achieve a score of seven (7.0) or more for both Reading and Writing and a score of eight (8.0) or more for both Speaking and Listening.
3 个回复
Lee Zhou
241111Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher
所属的职业评估机构是NOOSR/AITSL,详情参见该职业评估机构Early Childhood的网址:Assessment for Migration
All applicants, regardless of
where they completed their training, will be assessed against three criteria:
Educational, Professional, and English language proficiency. Applications must
meet all three assessment criteria to obtain a successful outcome.
1. Educational
Study assessed by AITSL as
comparable to at least four years full-time (or part-time equivalent) higher
education (university) level study in Australia, that results in a
2. Professional
An initial teacher education
qualification relevant to the early childhood (pre-primary school) teacher occupation
of at least one year full-time study (or part time equivalent) at the higher
education (university) level. The qualification must include a minimum of 45
days of supervised teaching practice with students across the ages of 3 - 8 years
in education programs prior to and in the early years of primary school.
The professional qualification/s must
be assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian bachelor
degree or higher.
3. English
English language proficiency
demonstrated by one of the following:
(i) An Academic
version of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Test
Report Form (TRF) that shows a score of at least 7.0 for both Reading and
Writing; and a score of at least 8.0 for both Speaking and Listening.
The IELTS test scores must appear on a
single IELTS TRF and be the result of a test undertaken during the 12 month
period prior to submitting an application.
(ii) An applicant has completed at least
four full years of study in higher education (university) in Australia, Canada,
the Republic of Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States
of America. This study must have resulted in award of qualification(s)
comparable to the educational level of an Australian bachelor degree or higher
and must include a recognised initial teacher education qualification.
Important advice for
applicants about English language proficiency requirement
If you
submit evidence for (ii) (4yrs study) and also submit an IELTS TRF AITSL will
consider the IELTS results. If the IELTS TRF does not meet the requirements of
(i) (IELTS) the application will be assessed as not meeting the English
language proficiency criterion, resulting in an unsuccessful outcome. Any
subsequent application from the same applicant will require submission of an
Academic IELTS TRF to meet the English language proficiency criterion.
reserves the right to ask an applicant to undertake the Academic version of the
IELTS examination if there is uncertainty about their level of English language
proficiency. Applicants must achieve a score of seven (7.0) or more for both Reading
and Writing and a score of eight (8.0) or more for both Speaking and Listening.
(1) 职业在职业清单上,并通过职业评估;
(2) 过去2年要有1年的工作经验(或在澳洲学习2年以上,在半年内递交可以豁免工作经验);
(3) IELTS每门6分;
(4) 年龄在50岁以下;
(5) 中专/职高以上学历。
(6) 通过技术移民打分体系60分,获得EOI邀请
(1) 职业在职业清单上,并通过职业评估;
(2) 过去2年要有1年的工作经验(或在澳洲学习2年以上,在半年内递交可以豁免工作经验);
(3) IELTS每门6分;
(4) 年龄在50岁以下;
(5) 中专/职高以上学历。
(6) 通过技术移民打分体系评分达到至少55分,获得州担保5分后达到60分后获得EOI邀请 ;
(7) 需要州政府担保或亲属担保
(1) 职业在职业清单上,并通过职业评估;
(2) 过去2年要有1年的工作经验(或在澳洲学习2年以上,在半年内递交可以豁免工作经验);
(3) IELTS每门6分;
(4) 年龄在50岁以下;
(5) 中专/职高以上学历。
(6) 评分达到60分
(7) 需要州政府担保或者亲属担保
*州担保要求:必须在悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、佩斯、首都、纽卡斯尔、卧龙岗、中央海岸、黄金海岸以外的地区生活和工作。 (请参看州紧缺名单:南澳洲、西澳洲、新南威尔士)
*亲属担保要求:夫妻双方有亲属在澳洲(祖父母、父母、兄弟、子女、叔叔阿姨、表/堂兄妹 等)悉尼、布里斯班、佩斯、纽卡斯尔、卧龙岗以外的地区生活1年以上(加10分)。
希望上述的回答对你有所帮助,谢谢 O(∩_∩)O~~~
1. 雅思需要达到要求,如上我所说,但是可以有豁免条件
2. 不论你在哪一个国家通过了当地的教育职业评估,都不算数,都必须来澳洲读教育认证课程。
教育专业如何技术移民澳洲 - 私人顾问 - 澳微帮专栏
澳微帮专栏: 私人顾问 - 澳微帮专栏